Depend on Third-Party Smart Contracts

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Smart Contract
Learn how to invoke externally created smart contract's methods from within your Move code.
Author: Alex

This example guides you through referencing and invoking third party smart contracts within your Move code. It covers defining the dependency through different code sources and calling into the third party code during execution of your smart contract.

name = "multidex_router"
version = "1.0.0"
authors = []
multidex_router_addr = "_"
multidex_router_addr = "0x803"
git = ""
rev = "mainnet"
subdir = "aptos-move/framework/aptos-framework"
git = ''
rev = 'main'
git = ''
subdir = 'liquidswap_router_v2/'
rev = 'main'
git = ''
subdir = 'liquidswap_lp/'
rev = 'main'
local = './third_party_dependencies/PancakeSwap'