NFT Marketplace
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Create a marketplace for NFTs on the Aptos blockchain.
Author: Jianyi
In this example, we will create an on-chain NFT marketplace, enabling users to buy and sell Aptogotchi NFTs. This showcases the power and security of smart contracts and the Move language, allowing for a serverless, intermediary-free marketplace on the Aptos blockchain.
While there are complex features like auctions, we'll focus on the most basic features:
- Listing NFTs: NFT owners list their NFTs in the marketplace, making them available for potential buyers to purchase.
- Buying NFTs: Users can buy any NFT listed with the price set by the NFT owner.
- Minting NFTs: For the demo purpose, we also built a Mint feature where you can mint NFTs to sell.
module marketplace_addr::marketplace { use std::error; use std::signer; use std::option; use aptos_std::smart_vector; use aptos_framework::aptos_account; use aptos_framework::coin; use aptos_framework::object; #[test_only] friend marketplace_addr::test_marketplace; const APP_OBJECT_SEED: vector<u8> = b"MARKETPLACE"; /// There exists no listing. const ENO_LISTING: u64 = 1; /// There exists no seller. const ENO_SELLER: u64 = 2; // Core data structures struct MarketplaceSigner has key { extend_ref: object::ExtendRef, } // In production we should use off-chain indexer to store all sellers instead of storing them on-chain. // Storing it on-chain is costly since it's O(N) to remove a seller. struct Sellers has key { /// All addresses of sellers. addresses: smart_vector::SmartVector<address> } #[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)] struct Listing has key { /// The item owned by this listing, transferred to the new owner at the end. object: object::Object<object::ObjectCore>, /// The seller of the object. seller: address, /// Used to clean-up at the end. delete_ref: object::DeleteRef, /// Used to create a signer to transfer the listed item, ideally the TransferRef would support this. extend_ref: object::ExtendRef, } #[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)] struct FixedPriceListing<phantom CoinType> has key { /// The price to purchase the item up for listing. price: u64, } // In production we should use off-chain indexer to store the listings of a seller instead of storing it on-chain. // Storing it on-chain is costly since it's O(N) to remove a listing. struct SellerListings has key { /// All object addresses of listings the user has created. listings: smart_vector::SmartVector<address> } // Functions // This function is only called once when the module is published for the first time. fun init_module(deployer: &signer) { let constructor_ref = object::create_named_object( deployer, APP_OBJECT_SEED, ); let extend_ref = object::generate_extend_ref(&constructor_ref); let marketplace_signer = &object::generate_signer(&constructor_ref); move_to(marketplace_signer, MarketplaceSigner { extend_ref, }); } // ================================= Entry Functions ================================= // /// List an time for sale at a fixed price. public entry fun list_with_fixed_price<CoinType>( seller: &signer, object: object::Object<object::ObjectCore>, price: u64, ) acquires SellerListings, Sellers, MarketplaceSigner { list_with_fixed_price_internal<CoinType>(seller, object, price); } /// Purchase outright an item from a fixed price listing. public entry fun purchase<CoinType>( purchaser: &signer, object: object::Object<object::ObjectCore>, ) acquires FixedPriceListing, Listing, SellerListings, Sellers { let listing_addr = object::object_address(&object); assert!(exists<Listing>(listing_addr), error::not_found(ENO_LISTING)); assert!(exists<FixedPriceListing<CoinType>>(listing_addr), error::not_found(ENO_LISTING)); let FixedPriceListing { price, } = move_from<FixedPriceListing<CoinType>>(listing_addr); // The listing has concluded, transfer the asset and delete the listing. Returns the seller // for depositing any profit. let coins = coin::withdraw<CoinType>(purchaser, price); let Listing { object, seller, // get seller from Listing object delete_ref, extend_ref, } = move_from<Listing>(listing_addr); let obj_signer = object::generate_signer_for_extending(&extend_ref); object::transfer(&obj_signer, object, signer::address_of(purchaser)); object::delete(delete_ref); // Clean-up the listing object. // Note this step of removing the listing from the seller's listings will be costly since it's O(N). // Ideally you don't store the listings in a vector but in an off-chain indexer let seller_listings = borrow_global_mut<SellerListings>(seller); let (exist, idx) = smart_vector::index_of(&seller_listings.listings, &listing_addr); assert!(exist, error::not_found(ENO_LISTING)); smart_vector::remove(&mut seller_listings.listings, idx); if (smart_vector::length(&seller_listings.listings) == 0) { // If the seller has no more listings, remove the seller from the marketplace. let sellers = borrow_global_mut<Sellers>(get_marketplace_signer_addr()); let (exist, idx) = smart_vector::index_of(&sellers.addresses, &seller); assert!(exist, error::not_found(ENO_SELLER)); smart_vector::remove(&mut sellers.addresses, idx); }; aptos_account::deposit_coins(seller, coins); } // ================================= Friend Functions ================================= // public(friend) fun list_with_fixed_price_internal<CoinType>( seller: &signer, object: object::Object<object::ObjectCore>, price: u64, ): object::Object<Listing> acquires SellerListings, Sellers, MarketplaceSigner { let constructor_ref = object::create_object(signer::address_of(seller)); let transfer_ref = object::generate_transfer_ref(&constructor_ref); object::disable_ungated_transfer(&transfer_ref); let listing_signer = object::generate_signer(&constructor_ref); let listing = Listing { object, seller: signer::address_of(seller), delete_ref: object::generate_delete_ref(&constructor_ref), extend_ref: object::generate_extend_ref(&constructor_ref), }; let fixed_price_listing = FixedPriceListing<CoinType> { price, }; move_to(&listing_signer, listing); move_to(&listing_signer, fixed_price_listing); object::transfer(seller, object, signer::address_of(&listing_signer)); let listing = object::object_from_constructor_ref(&constructor_ref); if (exists<SellerListings>(signer::address_of(seller))) { let seller_listings = borrow_global_mut<SellerListings>(signer::address_of(seller)); smart_vector::push_back(&mut seller_listings.listings, object::object_address(&listing)); } else { let seller_listings = SellerListings { listings: smart_vector::new(), }; smart_vector::push_back(&mut seller_listings.listings, object::object_address(&listing)); move_to(seller, seller_listings); }; if (exists<Sellers>(get_marketplace_signer_addr())) { let sellers = borrow_global_mut<Sellers>(get_marketplace_signer_addr()); if (!smart_vector::contains(&sellers.addresses, &signer::address_of(seller))) { smart_vector::push_back(&mut sellers.addresses, signer::address_of(seller)); } } else { let sellers = Sellers { addresses: smart_vector::new(), }; smart_vector::push_back(&mut sellers.addresses, signer::address_of(seller)); move_to(&get_marketplace_signer(get_marketplace_signer_addr()), sellers); }; listing } // View functions #[view] public fun price<CoinType>( object: object::Object<Listing>, ): option::Option<u64> acquires FixedPriceListing { let listing_addr = object::object_address(&object); if (exists<FixedPriceListing<CoinType>>(listing_addr)) { let fixed_price = borrow_global<FixedPriceListing<CoinType>>(listing_addr); option::some(fixed_price.price) } else { // This should just be an abort but the compiler errors. assert!(false, error::not_found(ENO_LISTING)); option::none() } } #[view] public fun listing(object: object::Object<Listing>): (object::Object<object::ObjectCore>, address) acquires Listing { let listing = borrow_listing(object); (listing.object, listing.seller) } #[view] public fun get_seller_listings(seller: address): vector<address> acquires SellerListings { if (exists<SellerListings>(seller)) { smart_vector::to_vector(&borrow_global<SellerListings>(seller).listings) } else { vector[] } } #[view] public fun get_sellers(): vector<address> acquires Sellers { if (exists<Sellers>(get_marketplace_signer_addr())) { smart_vector::to_vector(&borrow_global<Sellers>(get_marketplace_signer_addr()).addresses) } else { vector[] } } #[test_only] public fun setup_test(marketplace: &signer) { init_module(marketplace); } // Helper functions fun get_marketplace_signer_addr(): address { object::create_object_address(&@marketplace_addr, APP_OBJECT_SEED) } fun get_marketplace_signer(marketplace_signer_addr: address): signer acquires MarketplaceSigner { object::generate_signer_for_extending(&borrow_global<MarketplaceSigner>(marketplace_signer_addr).extend_ref) } inline fun borrow_listing(object: object::Object<Listing>): &Listing acquires Listing { let obj_addr = object::object_address(&object); assert!(exists<Listing>(obj_addr), error::not_found(ENO_LISTING)); borrow_global<Listing>(obj_addr) }}// Unit tests#[test_only]module marketplace_addr::test_marketplace { use std::option; use aptos_framework::aptos_coin; use aptos_framework::coin; use aptos_framework::object; use aptos_token_objects::token; use marketplace_addr::marketplace; use marketplace_addr::test_utils; // Test that a fixed price listing can be created and purchased. #[test(aptos_framework = @0x1, marketplace = @0x111, seller = @0x222, purchaser = @0x333)] fun test_fixed_price( aptos_framework: &signer, marketplace: &signer, seller: &signer, purchaser: &signer, ) { let (_marketplace_addr, seller_addr, purchaser_addr) = test_utils::setup(aptos_framework, marketplace, seller, purchaser); let (token, listing) = fixed_price_listing(seller, 500); // price: 500 let (listing_obj, seller_addr2) = marketplace::listing(listing); assert!(listing_obj == object::convert(token), 0); // The token is listed. assert!(seller_addr2 == seller_addr, 0); // The seller is the owner of the listing. assert!(marketplace::price<aptos_coin::AptosCoin>(listing) == option::some(500), 0); // The price is 500. assert!(object::owner(token) == object::object_address(&listing), 0); // The token is owned by the listing object. (escrowed) marketplace::purchase<aptos_coin::AptosCoin>(purchaser, object::convert(listing)); assert!(object::owner(token) == purchaser_addr, 0); // The token has been transferred to the purchaser. assert!(coin::balance<aptos_coin::AptosCoin>(seller_addr) == 10500, 0); // The seller has been paid. assert!(coin::balance<aptos_coin::AptosCoin>(purchaser_addr) == 9500, 0); // The purchaser has paid. } // Test that the purchase fails if the purchaser does not have enough coin. #[test(aptos_framework = @0x1, marketplace = @0x111, seller = @0x222, purchaser = @0x333)] #[expected_failure(abort_code = 0x10006, location = aptos_framework::coin)] fun test_not_enough_coin_fixed_price( aptos_framework: &signer, marketplace: &signer, seller: &signer, purchaser: &signer, ) { test_utils::setup(aptos_framework, marketplace, seller, purchaser); let (_token, listing) = fixed_price_listing(seller, 100000); // price: 100000 marketplace::purchase<aptos_coin::AptosCoin>(purchaser, object::convert(listing)); } // Test that the purchase fails if the listing object does not exist. #[test(aptos_framework = @0x1, marketplace = @0x111, seller = @0x222, purchaser = @0x333)] #[expected_failure(abort_code = 0x60001, location = marketplace_addr::marketplace)] fun test_no_listing( aptos_framework: &signer, marketplace: &signer, seller: &signer, purchaser: &signer, ) { let (_, seller_addr, _) = test_utils::setup(aptos_framework, marketplace, seller, purchaser); let dummy_constructor_ref = object::create_object(seller_addr); let dummy_object = object::object_from_constructor_ref<object::ObjectCore>(&dummy_constructor_ref); marketplace::purchase<aptos_coin::AptosCoin>(purchaser, object::convert(dummy_object)); } inline fun fixed_price_listing( seller: &signer, price: u64 ): (object::Object<token::Token>, object::Object<marketplace::Listing>) { let token = test_utils::mint_tokenv2(seller); fixed_price_listing_with_token(seller, token, price) } inline fun fixed_price_listing_with_token( seller: &signer, token: object::Object<token::Token>, price: u64 ): (object::Object<token::Token>, object::Object<marketplace::Listing>) { let listing = marketplace::list_with_fixed_price_internal<aptos_coin::AptosCoin>( seller, object::convert(token), // Object<Token> -> Object<ObjectCore> price, ); (token, listing) }}